In June 2020, Black Females in Landscape and Nature Photography (BFLNP) was formed with a goal to increase awareness of BFLNPhotographers.

We are committed to creating an inclusive platform for women of color to share, to inspire, to learn, and to support one another in this genre of Photography.

As we embark on this journey, we strive to bridge the gap between women of color in Landscape and Nature Photography and industry leaders by providing education, resources, and mentorship. 

It is our belief that the beautiful Landscape and Nature photos we capture, will inspire other women of color to join in our mission and share their love of photography with us!


Angela Ledyard, Co-Founder, Black Female Landscape and Nature Photographers

Keisha Holmes, Black Femaie Landscape Photographer

Keisha Holmes, Co-Founder, Black Female Landscape and Nature Photographers


To learn more about the founders, click here.

Video footage by RSVids.


“A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.”  ~Maya Angelou